The 6TH Edition of the International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
April 25-26-27, 2024 | Marrakech-Morocco
In person and Virtual Conference
531648 AARABATE OUMAIMA, BALATIF OMAR: Stability Analysis of a Stochastic Model  
540923 AAYA HASSAN: seismic vulnerability of existing buildings in the Casablanca metropolis  
532628 ABAD OTHMAN, ZGUITTI HASSANE: On the existence of $C_{0}$-semigroups generated by closed generalized Drazin-Riesz invertible operators  
529696 ABAHMAMI SOFIAN, HADD SAID: Stochastic equations with fractional Brownian motion at the boundary  
528430 ABDELLAOUI MOHAMMED, HICHAM REDWANE: On the notion of generalized solution for the fractional parabolic p-Laplace problem  
535217 ABDENOUR ASSIA, SINAN MOHAMED: Assessing wetland vulnerability using artificial intelligence technologies  
534184 ABOUDRAR YASMINE, BOURAGBA KHALID, OUZZIF MOHAMED: Transforming Cybersecurity: An Innovative SIEM Framework with Proactive and Adaptive Features Utilizing Predictive Analytics  
534235 ABOURABIA IMADE, EL GHOUMARI MOHAMMED YASSINE, OUNACER SOUMAYA, AZZOUAZI MOHAMED: Prediction of agricultural plant yields using machine learning  
527324 ABUALRUB TAHER: Double Quadratic Residue Codes over Fpà—Fp  
534243 ACHEHBOUNE MUSTAPHA, SANI AHMED: Avoiding degeneracy using Lebesgue product integral  
534844 ACHEIKH ALI LOOL, KHADIJA AKDIM: Backward Fractional Doubly Stochastic Differential Equations Driven By Lévy Processes  
516252 ACHIK YAMNA, YOUSSEF EL FOUTAYENI, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Efficient Algorithm for Solving Linear Complementarity Problems: Convergence and Performance Analysis with Accelerated Variable Update  
546027 ADDOUCH REQUIA, MOUSSAID NOUREDDINE, GOUASNOUANE OMAR, BEN LOGHFYRY ANOUAR: Image noise removal by game theory approach involving nonlocal fractional derivatives  
531137 ADENANE RIM: Algorithmic approach for an unique definition of the next generation matrix  
531012 AFKIR FARID, AZIZ ELBOUR: Some new results on LW-compact operators  
533508 AFOUKAL ABDALLAH, EZZINBI KHALIL: On the almost periodicity for some nonautonomous evolutions equations  
530118 AGHDAOUI HASSAN, TILIOUA MOUHCINE: Prediction of Fractional-Order Derivatives Using Neural Networks  
527407 AGHOUTANE NAFIA: Dynamical Behavior Analysis of a Stochastic prey-predator model with Holling II Functional Response under Lévy noise  
517723 IMANE AGMOUR, HAFDANE MOHAMED, BABA NOUSSAIBA: The impact of surface temperature on a delayed tri-trophic marine species system with Allee Effect  
535151 AGUERCHI KHADIJA, JABRANE YOUNES, HABBA MARYAM, HAJJAM EL HASSANI AMIR: Optimizing hyperparameters of Convolutional Neural Networks through Particle Swarm Optimization for the classification of breast cancer in mammography  
532599 AHANCHAOU TAOUFIK: Family of Geometric Subdivision Schemes on Surfaces with Constant Curvature  
536790 AHANDOUR TAKIDINE: Numerical methods and algorithms in pricing options: application to the de-Americanization of options with Neural Network (NN) approach  
535172 AHENDOUZ YOUSSEF: Algebraic Structures of Cyclic and Negacyclic Codes over Commutative Chain Rings  
536804 AHMAD ANIS MARDIANA: Efficiency Assessment of a Malaysian University Faculty: A Network Data Envelopment Analysis in the Context of Hierarchical Systems with Shared Inputs  
533118 AHNOUZ IMANE, ARAHMANE HANAN, SEBIHI RAJAA: Neutron-gamma ray discrimination methods using organic scintillators  
533835 AIROU ISMAIL, EL MFADEL ALI, ELOMARI M'HAMED: Existence result for fuzzy fractional evolution equations involving Krasnosel'skii fixed point theorem  
535771 AIT BOUTAIB MOHAMMED: The impact of SAP ERP on management control in the electricity sector of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water-Electricity Branch- in Morocco: An exploratory study  
533066 AIT EL HARCH ILHAM, OUTAAOUI KHALID, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF: Bioeconomic modeling for Fishing in Morocco  
530613 AIT ELOULI ABDELLAH, CHERRAT EL MEHDI, OUAHI HASSAN: Dialect Discovery: Employing Feature Selection Methods to Uncover Moroccan Dialectal Arabic  
536350 AIT ICHOU MOHAMED, EZZIANI ABDELAZIZ: New optimization of Q for a general class of the fractional Zener model  
535253 HIBA AKIR, FAKHOURI HANANE, TAJANI CHAKIR: à‰tude Comparative de la Prédiction de la Concentration en Nitrates dans les Eaux de Surface : Réseaux de Neurones, Chaà®nes de Markov et Régression Linéaire  
519917 ALAZEMI FARES, DOUISSI SOUKAINA, ES-SEBAIY KHALIFA: Berry-Esseen Bounds for Drift Parameter Estimation of Discretely Observed Fractional Vasicek-Type Process  
536000 ALLAL BRAHIM: Boundary controllability of coupled singular wave equations  
534169 ALOUAT MOHAMED, EL BOUJAOUI HICHAM, RAGHAY SAID: Enhancing Physics Informed Neural Networks For solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations  
519665 ALSENAFI ABDULAZIZ, ES-SEBAIY KHALIFA, AL-FORAIH MISHARI: Least squares estimation for non-ergodic weighted fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process of general parameters  
528792 ALZAATREH AYMAN: Feature Selection for Binary and Multi-Class Classification Problems  
534111 AMANSAG AHMED: A dissipativity approach to the well-posedness of non-autonomous boundary problems  
535030 AMARCHICH MOHAMED, MOUSSAID1 NOUREDDINE, GOUASNOUANE OMAR, BEN LOGHFYRY ANOUAR: Mathematical modelling of image registration problems using Nash game approach  
521291 MOHAMED RIDOUAN AMATTOUCH: An extended deep learning method for the Navier Equation  
532898 AMEUR MERYEM: Hidden Markov Chain: review  
533752 AMRANI ZERRIFI SALOUA, DOGHMI AHMED: Review on freedom concept, and Mathematical aspects of comparing sets  
530495 ESSAID AOURIR: A mesh-free technique for the numerical solution of a type of VIE of the third kind  
534216 ARRAZAKI MOHAMMED, EL OUAHABI OTHMAN, EL BAZI HAMZA: Support size based on extrema points for CSRBF functions in BEMD decomposition  
546695 ARROUCH MOHAMED SALAH EDDINE: Volatility Change-Point Estimation in β-ARCH Model  
531685 ASERRAR YOUSSEF, ELQORACHI ELHOUCIEN: Cosine and Sine addition and subtraction law with an automorphism  
533615 ASKOURAYE NAJIB: Existence of solutions for upper semicontinuous differential inclusions with Ï•-Laplacian  
529337 ASSOUJAA ISMAIL: Tower building technique on elliptic curve with embedding degree 54  
521526 ATI DANIA: A priori error analysis and finite element approximations for a coupled model under nonlinear slip boundary conditions  
535337 ATTMANI JAMAL, KARAMI FAHD, ATLAS ABDELGHAFOUR: Convergence Analysis of a Finite Volume Scheme for a Parabolic System  
532038 AZDINE ILHAME, KISSI BENAISSA, KHATIB HAMZA, ZIRAOUI ADIL: Steel-Concrete Interface analysis in Large-Scale Structures  
544035 AZZOUAZI RIHAB, GABER HASNAA, OUNACER SOUMAYA: Insights on Banking Fraud in Morocco: AI and Machine Learning Solutions  
531890 BAALA ASMAE, HANOUNE MOSTAFA, BENTAIB MOHSSINE: The Role of Emerging Technologies in Smart City Development  
535353 BAALI SARA, HAMIM MOHAMMED, MOUTACHAOUIK1 HICHAM, HAIN MUSTAPHA: Gene Selection Approaches in Microarray Data Classification: A Comprehensive Review  
536300 BAASSOU SOUAD: Tensorial GMRES Method for Solving ILL-Problems  
531680 BABA NOSSAIBA, HAFDANE MOHAMED, AGMOUR IMANE, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Exploring the impact of light pollution on the bioeconomic dynamics of fisheries  
532694 BADREDDINE BADI, ACHTAICH NACEUR, ACHTAICH KHADIJA, CHERKAOUI OMAR: Quand les IA rédigent les PFE : Nouveaux défis pour l'évaluation académique  
534037 BAHOU FATIMA-EZZAHRAE, MOUMNI MOHAMMED: Exploring Deep Learning Techniques in Micromagnetic Mathematical Models  
530459 ABDERRAHIM BAHSSINI: Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion in  
535968 BAIHI ASMAA, KAJOUNI AHMED, HILAL KHALID: Ulam stability of $\wp$-mild solutions for $\psi$-Caputo-type fractional semilinear differential equations  
543327 ADIL BAIZ, JAMAL MOULINE: Fixed point theorems for ψ−contraction mapping in fuzzy n-controlled metric  
534300 BALHAG AICHA: An inertial forward-backward algorithm for structured non-convex minimization problems  
541158 HICHAM BANNOUR: Mathematical Modeling of Water Quality  
528018 BARKI FATIH: Local ergodic theorems for C0-semigroups  
509697 BAROUDI MOHAMED, HICHAM GOURRAM, ABDERRAHIM LABZAI, MOHAMED BELAM: Mathematical Modeling and Strategy for Optimal Control of Diphtheria  
527259 BAROUDI SAMI, ELOMARI M'HAMED, EL MFADEL ALI, KASSIDI ABDERRAZAK: An accurate compact finite difference scheme for solving nonlinear tempered Ψ-Caputo fractional partial integro-differential equations  
534656 BEKIRYAZICI ZAFER: An Investigation of Pest Management Dynamics for Tea Plant in Turkey using Stochastic Models  
528998 BELHDID SALAHEDDINE, OMAR BALATIF: Optimal control and cost effectiveness analysis of information spreading model  
535089 BELKADI SAID, ATOUNTI MOHAMED: Third order non-oscillatory central schemes for non-local conservation laws  
534281 BELLACHE ZINEB, EL BOUANANI HICHAM: Analyse du comportement de valeur liquidative des OPCVM monétaires  
532589 BELLAHSAOUIA MERYEME, ZIDOUH IBTISSAM, CHFEQ WAFAE, CHAKIR EL MAHJOUB: A novel approach for dose distribution comparison in radiotherapy  
533689 BEN TAHIR M. HICHAM, MELLIANI SAID, M'HAMED ELOMARI: Conformable Fractional Semilinear Evolution Equations With time Delay and Noncompact Analytic Semigroup  
526836 BENYAKKOU HAMID: On indices and monogenity of certain number fields defined by trinomials  
532484 HAMID BEN.HSSAIN, AZIZ ELBOUR, ABDELHAK EL HADDOUCHI: Common fixed point for a pair of multi-valued mappings satisfying an implicit relation in extended b-metric space with application to an integral equation  
541548 BENALI HALIMA, CH-CHAOUI MOHAMED: A discrete-time prey-predator model with immigration  
518072 BENCHIHEB OTMANE, AMOUCH MOHAMED: Dynamics of Linear Operators: Super-Recurrence Case  
533753 BENGHAZOUANI SALSABILA, NOUH SAID, ZAKRANI ABDELALI: The effectiveness of employing machine learning methods in conjunction with feature selection in breast cancer detection  
542781 BENHACHEM ANAS, BASSOU ABDELHAFID: Stochastic game theory and applications  
528263 BENHADDA WALID, ELOMARI M'HAMED, EL MFADEL ALI, KASSIDI ABDERRAZAK: Existence Results for Hybrid Differential Equations with Tempered κ-Caputo Fractional Operators  
525314 BENHAMMOU SAMIR: The existence of solutions for first-order impulsive differential equations  
533460 BENKHALOU HAYAT, BENBOUBKER MOHAMED BADR, HJIAJ HASSANE, CHRAYTEH HOUSSAM: Solutions in Sense of Distributions for Elliptic Problem with L^m-data and Fourier Boundary Condition  
534109 BENKIRANE KENZA, ELADRAOUI ABDERRAHIM, BENNANI SAMIA: Convergence of random iteration in a separable Banach space  
522492 BENMERROUS ABDELMJID, LALLA SAADIA CHADLI, MOUJAHID ABDELAZIZ, M'HAMED ELOMARI, MELLIANI SAID: Solving the Fractional Schrodinger Equation with Singular Potential by Means of the Fourier Transform  
532526 BENMOUANE MOHAMED, ESSOUFI EL HASSAN, AYOUCH CHAHID: A finite difference scheme for the 1-D Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch equation  
534640 BENTACHFINE ILYAS, ERRITALI MOHAMMED: Designing the Future of Energy: Decentralized Trading Systems via Solana Blockchain Architecture  
534164 BENTOUNSI MERIEM, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Application of machine learning in intelligent fish aquaculture  
532037 BEROUAGA YOUNES, EL MSIYAH CHERIF, MADKOUR JAOUAD: Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Using Graph Theory  
536744 BIDAH SOUMAYA, ZAHID MEHDI, AKDIM KHADIJA: Application of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Industry Services  
531703 BIDANE ISSAM, AILANE ABDELLAH, KHAMLICH SALAHEDDINE: Optimising Overhead Crane Operations with Model Predictive Control  
532519 BOUAAM HIND, EL OUAARABI MOHAMED, MELLIANI SAID: Existence and multiplicity of solutions of a bi- non local problem without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition on compact Riemannian manifolds  
535055 BOUABID KHALID, ECHARGHAOUI RACHID: Infinitely many solutions for a Neumann elliptic system involving critical Sobolev growth and Hardy potential  
535351 BOUAINE CHAIMAA, BENABBOU FAOUZIA: Candidate document retrieval for cross-lingual plagiarism: State of the art  
519137 BOUALLALA MUSTAPHA, ESSOUFI EL HASSAN, OUAFIK YOUSSEF: Analysis and numerical simulation of a time-fractional contact problem with thermo-viscoelasticity  
532713 BOUAMIRA SAFAA, CHAMLAL HASNA, TAYEB OUADERHMAN: Individual filters in the classification task  
532471 BOUHAMED ABDELHAK: Regional fractional optimal control problem of a bilinear reaction diffusion equation using distributed bounded controls  
533188 BOUHSAIEN LOUBNA, AZMANI ABDELLAH: Navigating Turnover: A Transparent Approach with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence  
533537 BOUHYAOUI IMANE, EL BERRAI IMANE, RIOUALI MARYAM: Optimal Control of Marine Parasitic Disease  
536853 BOUIFDEN RAFIK: Le produit scalaire externe d'une matrice par une famille de vecteurs  
533507 BOUKHLOUF LATIFA, KISSI BENAISSA: Investigation de l'érosion des routes à  l'aide de l'intelligence artificielle : Une étude de cas à  Kénitra  
530466 BOULOUZ ABED: Positivity and stability of evolution equations and application to population dynamics  
535111 MOHAMED AMOUCH, OTMANE BENCHIHEB, TOURIA BOUMAAZA: Dynamique topologique sur l'intervalle  
534493 BOUMASMOUD SOUFIANE, EZZINBI KHALIL: On Capasso-Serio Incident Rate  
534283 BOUMAZOURH ATHMANE: On a Class of Elliptic Systems in General Fractional Variable Exponents Sobolev Spaces  
534154 BOUNA RACHID, IZEM NOUH, SEAID MOHAMMED, MOHAMED M SHADI: IGA for time-dependent diffusion problems in three space dimensions  
536130 BOUNJA KARIM, SAKAT ABDELJALIL: Application of machine learning to improve numerical solutions of Black-Scholes equation  
535221 BOUNKAICHA CHOUAIB, ALLALI KARAM: Modélisation de la propagation de la maladie avec des équations spatio-temporelles aux dérivées fractionnaires et une fonction d'incidence saturé  
536778 BOURAYA SARA, BELANGOUR ABDESSAMAD: Proposed CRISP-DM and Video dataset Meta Model in Video Object Detection  
534964 BOURHIM FATIMA-EZZAHRA, ELOMARI M'HAMED, ALI EL MFADEL: Existence of solutions for semi-linear fractional differential equations with non instantaneous impluses  
533109 BOURZIK DOUNIA, AKHARIF ABDELHADI, LMAKRI AZIZ, MELLOUK AMAL: Parametric Tests For Non Linear Regression Model  
536709 BOUSGHEIRI ABDELHAK, OURRAOUI ANASS: Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for a P(X)-Biharmonic Problem  
534132 BOUSSOUF MOHAMMED, EL MAKRANI ADIL: Facteurs d'acceptation ou de rejet des technologies dans l'enseignement supérieur : Approche basé sur des modèles prédictifs  
526919 BOUYDOU RACHID, BENMOUSSA KHALID, YAKOUBI DRISS: Conserving Allen-Cahn equation coupled with Navier-Stokes  
517957 BOUYGHF FATIMA, EL ICHI ALAA: Tensor Full Orthogonalization method for approximation of T-function  
541938 BOUZIANE SOUKAINA, LOTFI EL MEHDI, HATTAF KHALID, YOUSFI NOURA: Mathematical analysis of a delayed prey-predator model with Hattaf-Yousfi functional response and double Allee effect in prey  
533558 BENKHIRA EL HASSAN, BOUZID YOUSSEF, FAKHAR RACHID, MANDYLY YOUSSEF: Dual Approach with Automated Penalty Parameter Selection for an Elastoplastic Contact Problem  
535365 CHAHBI CHAHBI, EL HAMIDI ABDELLAH, EL AMROUSS ABDELRACHID: Proper generalized decomposition applied to biharmonic problem  
534268 CHAHER MOHAMED, LAMNII ABDELLAH, NOUR MOHAMED-YASSIR: Efficient Numerical Solution of Two-Parameter Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems using UE-Spline Collocation Methods  
526772 CHAHI HAJAR, HAKIMI SAID: Nonexistence of Radial Positive Solutions of Nonpositone Problems in a Ball  
534226 CHAHID WAFAE, LHOUS MUSTAPHA, TRIDANE ABDESSAMAD, TOUFGA HAMZA: Mathematical Modeling of the Boufa drug Addiction in Morocco  
533536 CHARRADI NABIL, SAJID SAID: First-order viability result for Carath´eodory non-convex differential inclusion in Banach spaces  
531582 CHEGDAL SARA, KABIL MUSTAPHA, SETTAR ABDELJALIL: Outliers and GARCH models in financial data  
541971 CHERGUI BRAHIM: About Spectral Slater Index of Tournaments  
534854 CHERRAD HANANE, ABOUZAID BOUCHRA, BENIICH NADIA: Optimal control for a class of linear infinite-dimensional systems using integral reinforcement learning  
508828 CHORFI SALAH-EDDINE: Impulse controllability for the heat equation with dynamic boundary conditions  
528083 AICHA CHOURAQUI, ABDELLATIF BENCHAIB: Asian option pricing by Monte Carlo methods  
520192 COULIBALY ALIOUNE: On a diffusion approximation with nonlocal boundary conditions  
530745 DANI OTHMANE: Special affine connections on symmetric spaces  
533208 DAOUANE SIHAM: Mathematical modeling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer  
525659 DAOUDI HAMZA: A note on the functional nonparametric conditional hazard function estimate in the single index for weak dependant data  
531782 DAOUSSA HAGGAR MAHAMAT SALEH, MBEHOU MOHAMED: Unconditional Optimal Error Estimates of a BDF scheme for a nonlocal parabolic problem  
523221 DARDOUR ZAKARYA, LAFHIM LAHOUSSINE, KALMOUN EL MOSTAFA: New Second-Order Optimality Conditions for a Class of bilevel Optimization Problems  
534090 DIALLO MAMADOU LAMINE: On dual Rickart and dual Baer semimodules  
532303 DIOP YATMA, MESMOUDI LAILA: On finiteness of some noncommutative Gröbner bases over finite fields  
535223 DOGHMI AHMED, BOUCHTA MOHAMED, ZIAD ABDERRAHMANE: On Partially Honest Strong Implementation  
533250 DRIOUICH ASMA, AKHARRAZ ISMAIL, HANINI MOHAMED, ZAALOUL ABDELLAH: Comprehensive comparative study of task offloading optimization methods in fog computing environment  
533363 ECHAJEI SAHAR, FERJOUCHIA HANANE, RACHIK MOSTAFA: Stacked Ensemble and Feature Selection for Early Diabetes Diagnosis  
532559 ECH-CHAKOURI ALI: On Disk-cyclicity of Linear Relations  
533711 ECHTOUKI AICHA, EL BOUANANI HICHAM: Analyse du risque crédit : Les ratios déterminants à  la prise de décision  
533783 ED-DAHDAH AHMED, LAGHDIR MOHAMED, MABROUK M'HAMED: Optimality conditions for bilevel multiobjective programming problems with extremal value function  
535293 EL AABBADI ABDELLAH, EL BOUJAOUI HICHAM, BOUFALA ABDERRAZZAK: Physics-informed neural networks framework for solving economic growth models  
534698 EL AACHAB YASSINE: Mastering the Art of Choice: A Deep Dive into Binary Classification with Supervised Machine Learning  
534724 MARIAM ELABBASSI, ZITI CHERIF: The generalized Riemann problem  
531975 EL AMRANI SLIMANE, RAJI ABDERRAHMANE: Characterization of 3-prime near-rings involving multiplicative derivations  
533105 EL AOUNG AHMED, HACHIMI MOHAMED, AZHARI MOURAD: Les méthodes ensemblistes: application à  la prédiction de l'insuffisance cardiaque  
534986 EL ASRI FADOUA, TAJANI CHAKIR, FAKHOURI HANANE: A Comparative Study of Social Optimization Algorithms for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems  
535663 EL ASSAD MOHAMMED, NOUH SAID, AZOUAZI MOHAMED: New results of a Decoder of Linear Block Codes based on Ensemble Learning Methods  
537642 EL ATTAOUY MERYEM, EZZINBI KHALIL, AFOUKAL ABDALLAH: Almost periodic solution for linear renewal equations with infinite delay via reduction principle  
534196 EL BAROUDI MOHCINE, ZOUHRI SAMIRA: Optimal control problem with isoperimetric constraint: chemotherapy of cancer  
533093 EL BAZ MUSTAPHA, AOURAGH MY DRISS, SEGAOUI M'HAMED: Analytical and numerical study for a suspension bridge model with thermoelastic Timoshenko beam  
535081 EL BAZI HAMZA, SADRATI ABDELLATIF: Fixed Point Theorem and Application of Mixed Monotone Mappings in Partially Ordered Hyperbolic Metric Spaces  
531509 EL BEKRI YOUSSEF: Some Fixed-Point Theorems for Tricyclic Contractions in Dislocated Quasi-B-Metric Spaces  
542547 EL BEZDAOUI LATIFA, ELOMARI M'HAMED, CHADLI LALLA SAâDIA: Fractional Hankel transform of generalized function  
535338 EL BOUJAOUI HICHAM: Solving parabolic PDEs using Physics Informed Neural Networks  
536107 EL FADOUAKI MOHAMED, HILAL KHALID, KAJOUNI AHMED, LMOU HAMID: Existence uniqueness and stability of solutions for ψ-Caputo fractional differential iterative equation with boundary value conditions  
534038 EL FARRAGUI MERYIEME, SOUHAR OTMANE, C GEORGIOU GEORGIOS: The dynamic slip condition for oscillatory shear flow  
533769 EL GLILI ISSA, SAIDI ABDELMAJID, FOUKHARI YOUNESS, DRIOUICH MOHAMED, SAMMOUDA MOHAMED: Electro-osmotic flow of non-Newtonian nano-blood in stenosed artery induced via periodic body acceleration and pulsatile pressure gradient  
536402 EL GMAIRI ABDERRAHMAN, EL OMARI M'HAMMED, SAID MLLIANI: Solving a Caputo fractional initial value problem with data in a Orlicz space  
541727 BADREDDINE EL GOUMI, AMINE JAMALI ALAOUI, YOUSSEF ZIZI: Optimal investment model of pension funds applied to the Moroccan pension  
534076 EL HABTI WISSAL, AZMANI ABDELLAH: Mathematical Review : Pre-Processing Techniques in Medical Image Analysis  
535145 EL HADADI KHADIJA, ELMOUMEN SAMIRA, BENZEKRI SAMIRA: Comprehensive Learning Bat Algorithm  
533493 EL HAFIANE AYOUB, ADERRAZAK KASSIDI, ALI EL MFADEL, M'HAMED ELOMARI: Existence results for nonlinear elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition  
531996 EL HARFI ABDELHADI: Stability of the weakly Lp-integrable C0-semigroup  
523411 EL HARFOUF AMINE, WAKIF ABDERRAHIM, HAYANI MOUNIR SANAA: Non-Fourier heat flux model for the magnetohydrodynamic Casson nanofluid flow past a porous stretching sheet using Akbari-Gangi Method  
533251 EL HASKOUKI IKRAM, TSOULI AZZEDDINE, OUARIT MOSTAFA: Uniform exponential stabilization for distributed discrete bilinear systems with time delay  
533189 EL HASSANI ABDELAZIZ, HATTAF KHALID, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Dynamics of Time Fractional Gray-Scott Model with Anomalous Diffusion  
527227 EL HICHAMI MOHAMED: On 1-Laplacian elliptic problems involving a singular term  
536257 EL HOUCH ATMANE: Feedback stabilization for a class of bilinear time-delay systems in Banach spaces  
529828 EL IDRISSI AHMED, EL BOUKARI BRAHIM, EL GHORDAF JALILA: Local and Global Solvability for a Nonlinear Diffusion Model with Fractional Laplacian Operators  
535179 AYMANE EL JANATHI, HJIAJ HASSANE: Renormalized solutions for some nonlinear parabolic problems with degenerate coercivity in Anisotropic Sobolev spaces  
535496 EL JIANI LAILA, EL FILALI SANAA, BENLAHMAR EL HABIB: Enhancing medical image feature extraction using multimodal fusion networks  
532662 EL KARCHANI MARYEM, IDRISSI FATMI NADIA: Analysing the Effect of Trastuzumab Treatment on Breast Cancer Stages and Cardiac Function: A Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation  
543272 EL KARMA ASMAE: Sensitivity of retaining solutions in urban excavations to two soil geotechnical parameters  
534946 EL KASMI SEDDIQ: Collaborative Algorithmic Decoding: A Fusion of the Hartmann Rudolph Algorithm with a Decoder that exploits Syndromes and Hash Functions  
536157 EL KAZOUI KHALIL: Strong and exponential stabilization for second order semilinear systems with time delay  
530977 EL MATLOUB JAOUAD, EZZINBI KHALIL, ALIA MOHAMED: Asymptotically almost periodic solutions for some partial differential inclusions in alpha-norm  
530770 EL MFADEL ALI: Existence results for nonlinear fractional pantograph differential equations via measure of noncompactness  
534305 EL MOURCHID SAMIR, ES-SARHIR ABDELHADI, CHAKIR MOHAMED: On an almost sure asymptotic behavior result for a chaotic linear dynamic  
535727 EL OUADEFLI LAHCEN: Isogeometric analysis for generalized Stokes problem  
535967 EL OUALI HAMZA: Pseudo-Euclidean Novikov algebras  
536196 EL OUARDANI AHMED: Reaction-Diffusion systems in Museilack Orlicz spaces with Neumann boundary  
533243 EL OUISSARI ABDELLATIF, EL MOUTAOUAKIL KARIM, EZZAIM MOSTAPHA: New Dynamic Diabetic Model and Estimation Control Using Genetic Algorithm Method  
546820 ELAAFANI MOHAMED-AMINE: Test for Volatility Change in β-ARCH(1) Model and Applications  
534915 EL-ALAOUI AHMED, MONIR ABDELILAH, MRAOUI HAMID: Regression spline modeling based on local polynomial kernel regression  
535077 TAOUFYQ ELANSARI, OUANAN MOHAMMED, BOURRAY HAMID: Multi-Objective Training Model for RBF Neural Networks: Application to Classification Problems  
522478 RABAB ELARABI: Exploring Existence and Regularity in the Perturbed Coupled System Modeling the Thermistor  
509623 ELBOULQE YOUSSEF, EL MAGHRI MOUNIR: An Explicit Spectral Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient Method for Bi-criteria Optimization  
534789 ELFATOUAKI HABIBA, LATIF ADNANE, AIT ZAOUIAT CHARAFEDDINE, MOHAMED ABDELBAKI: AI-Enhanced ECG Diagnosis System for Acute Myocardial Infarction with RBBB: Constant-Q Transform and ResNeXt50 Integration  
510468 ELGHANDOURI MOHAMMED: Approximate Controllability for some Integrodifferential Evolution Equations with Nonlocal Conditions  
520562 ELHACHEMY MOHAMMED: Mean-field reflected generalized BSDE with jumps and an obstacle problem of nonlocal IPDE with nonlinear Neumann Boundary conditions  
528590 ELHAFIANE ZAKARIA, EZZINBI KHALIL: Existence and an averaging principle results for some partial functional differential equations with infinite delay using the alpha-norm  
533562 EL-KABASSI ITTO, BARBARA SARA, HJJOUJI ABDELAZIZ, BROURI ADIL: A critical Review on SOC estimation of Li-ion battery using the Measurement-Based Techniques and Model-Based Techniques  
510674 EL-KHALF KAOUTAR, BENTALEB ABDELLATIF: Extension and refinement of the Poincaré inequality  
534213 ELKHALLOUFY KHADIJA, HILAL KHALID, KAJOUNI AHMED: Analytical Solutions to ζ-Fractional Initial Value Problems Via Modified Sumudu Transform  
539307 ELKHETTAB AHLAM, EL BERRAI IMANE: Mathematical Characterization of Nutrient Influence on Tumor Growth  
527626 ABDELBAR ELMANSOURI, KHAJJI BOUCHAIB, ABDERRAHIM LABZAI, MOHAMED BELAM: Analyse, modélisation mathématique et stratégie de contrôle optimal de la variole du singe  
528918 ELMANSOURI BADR, EL OTMANI MOHAMED: Pricing and hedging game options in an imperfect market with default: A doubly reflected BSDEs approach  
528407 ELMOUSSAOUY KAOUTAR, MESTARI MOHAMMED, BENHOUAD MOHAMMED: Inflation et Taux Directeur : À la Recherche d'une Relation Existe-t-elle?  
532637 ELQADDAOUI AHMED, EL BHIH AMINE, LAARABI HASSAN, RACHIK MOSTAFA, ABTA ABDELHADI: A discrete time model of the optimal control of a multi-strain system  
534289 EL-YAHYAOUI HOURIA, AZROUL ELHOUSSINE, BOUMAZOURH ATHMANE: Existence of solutions for a fractional (p(x,),q(x,.))-Laplacien system under Neumann boundary conditions  
532501 ER-RAFII HICHAM, GALADI ABDELGHAFOUR: Improved Parameter Extraction Procedure for Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET Model  
528805 ESSALIH ISMAAIL, ALMAHALEBI MUAADH, BOUNADER NORDINE: Hyperstability of a σ-quadratic functional equation in ultrametric n-Banach spaces  
534515 ESSAOUIDI HASNA, SOUHAR OTMANE, GEORGIOU GEORGIOS: Analyze the singularity of the heat flux with the reduced basis method  
531990 ES-SARHIR ABDELHADI: Absolute continuity of invariant measures for generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators  
518983 BELFADLI RACHID, BALDE MAOUDO FARAMBA, ES-SEBAIY KHALIFA: Kolmogorov Bounds in the Clt of the Lse for Gaussian Ornstein Uhlenbeck Processes  
519302 ESSOFI MOHAMED, BOUALLALA MUSTAPHA, OUAFIK YOUSSEF: Variational and Numerical Analysis of a quasistatic contact problem with thermo-viscoelasticity  
528081 EZZIDANI AMAL, BEN TAHAR ABDELGHANI, HANINI MOHAMED: Law of large number of the feed-forward network of multiclass processor sharing queues  
528152 FADILI AHMED: Favard Spaces and Admissibility for Analytic Resolvent Families  
532741 FAKHRAOUI MERYEM, BAKHADACH IDRIS, MELLIANI SAID: Pythagorean Fuzzy Multigroups  
530489 FALL MOUSSA: Morphisms on some curves and their application to the determination of algebraic points  
534384 FANTASSE YASSINE: Localization Operators and Scalogram in the Framework of Mehler-Fock Wavelet Transform  
529350 FARHANE MEHDI, KADYRI ABBES, SOUHAR OTMANE: A Novel Development in Three-Dimensional Analytical Solutions for Air Pollution Dispersion  
534123 FARHI SAMIR, EL BOUANANI HICHAM: L'impact de la COVID-19 sur les transferts des MRE : une approche ARIMA  
534760 FARTOUH YASSINE: The optimization of a hydroforming process  
536963 FENZA KAMAL, OUZAHRA MOHAMED: Finite-Time Stabilization For Distributed bilinear Systems  
523570 FERREIRA SANDRA, FERREIRA DáRIO, ANTUNES PATRíCIA: Exploring the Generalized Gamma Distribution: Properties, Subfamilies, and Estimation  
517554 IBRAHIM ABDOU AMIR FOUAD: Existence of solutions to non-local uncertain differential equations under The psi-Caputo fractional derivative  
535268 GANMATI ABDELILAH: Optimizing Facial Recognition: A Comparative Analysis of Transfer Learning Models on the Georgia Tech face database  
530892 GHAZALI MOHAMED, BEN TAHAR ABDELGHANI: Performance analysis of a queuing system with Egalitarian Processor Sharing under heavy traffic conditions  
525293 GOURRAM HICHAM, MOHAMED BAROUDI, ABDERRAHIM LABZAI, MOHAMED BELAM: Stability Analysis of Mathematical Model Measles  
521950 GOURTY ABDELMAJID, IGHACHANE MOHAMED AMINE, BOUMAZGOUR MOHAMED: On some matrix mean inequalities via the log-convexity property  
540532 HACHOUM SIHAM: Mathematical Modeling of Wheat Diseases  
533329 HADDACH ALI, SMAOUI HASSAN, RADI BOUCHAIB: Numerical Simulation of Pollutant Transport in the Oualidia lagoon (Morocco)  
516394 HADDADI MOUNA, AKDIM KHADIJA: Existence And Stability of Solutions to Non-Lipschitz Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Optional Semimartingales  
532677 HADDANI HAJAR: Leveraging Data Augmentation Techniques for Deep Learning Algorithms in Image Database  
534233 HADDANI ISMAIL: Renormalized Solution to nonlinear parabolic problems with measure data in Musielak spaces  
533770 MUSTAPHA HADDAOUI: Chika's numbers  
535184 HAFDANE MOHAMED, BABA NOSSAIBA, AGMOUR IMANE, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Dynamic Compexity of a Delayed Spatiotemporal Predator-Prey Model  
522984 HAMDAOUI KHADIJA: Minimizing a fractional function over a compact set  
532520 HAMIDI MOHAMED ACHRAF, HAFDI MOHAMED ALI: A benchmark of optimization procedures when estimating Cox model parameters  
534207 HARDOUL ASMAE, MGHAZLI ZOUBIDA, EZZINBI KHALIL, OUCHTOUT SALIH: Global attractor of an EDP model for the kinetics of Trichoderma fungi  
540822 HARIR ATIMAD: The Cauchy Problem of Fuzzy conformable fractional Differential Equations  
532573 HARIRI IMANE, RADID ATIKA, RHOFIR KARIM: Fractional Physics-Informed Neural Networks For The Fractional Gray-Scott Model  
532602 DRISS HARZALLA: PSL(3,4) as the Automorphism Group of a Class of three Binary Codes with Dimension 9  
536267 HASSOUNE ELMEHDI: Weak solution to a class of nonlinear degenerate weighted elliptic p(u)-Laplacian problem  
534929 HASSOUNI HABIB, BALATIF OMAR: Mathematical modeling, analysis and optimal control of the spread of e-commerce practice behavior  
511445 HATIM KHALID, BAALAL AZEDDINE: The semi-Fredholmness on a weighted simplicial complex  
530165 HATIME NAOUFEL, MELLIANI SAID, EL MFADEL ALI, ELOMARI M'HAMED: A generalized form of Newton's cooling law under a variable ambient temperature with application to Pharmacokinetics  
535315 HATIMI MOHAMED, ECHARHAOUI RACHID: The Nehari manifold for elliptic system with strongly coupled critical terms and concave-convex nonlinearities involving sign-changing weight functions  
535346 HEIDER GHAZOUANI, LAKHBAB HALIMA, ADIL NOUHAILA: Solving of Travelling Salesman Problem using Firefly Algorithm  
530340 HIMMI HANANE: Stabilization in probability of multi-input affine control stochastic systems by a continuous feedback control  
535163 HJJOUJI ABDELAZIZ, EL-KABASSI ITTO, BROURI ADIL: Energy Management Method for Electric-hydrogen Hybrid Energy Storage and Implementation of Battery Thermal Management System On EVs  
533072 HLAL JAMAL: Necessary Optimality Conditions in Unconstrained Nondifferentiable Programming in Terms of the s-Holder Subdifferential  
533762 HMARRASS HANANE, QESMI REDOUANE: Stability and Hopf bifurcation of an HIV model with latent reservoir, macrophages and delayed CTL immune response  
532032 HMIDOUCH LHOUCINE: Existence of entropy solution for a nonlinear parabolic problem in weighted Sobolev space via optimization method  
530518 IAOUSSE M'BAREK: Overcoming Computational Constraints in Structural Equation Models with Correlated Disturbances  
533773 IBNELAZYZ LAHCEN: Tripled system of fractional differential equations with tripled nonseparated integral boundary conditions  
534250 IDBENALI MOHAMED: Phase diagram of the RbF-RbI binary system calculated via the Calphad method  
526641 IDMBAREK ASMAA, HAFDANE MOHAMED, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF, ACHTAICH NACEUR: Optimal Harvesting of Predator-Prey Model with Allee Effect and Fear Effect  
521606 IGHACHANE MOHAMED AMINE: New improvement of Jensen's inequality for (p,h)-convex functions with applications  
531185 JAAFARI JAAFAR, SAOUDI EL MEHDI, DOUZI KHADIJA, DOUZI SAMIRA: Optimizing Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Lightweight Deep Learning Techniques  
543791 JAMALI ALAOUI AMINE, ZIZI YOUSSEF, EL GOUMI BADREDDINE: An Optimal Model of Financial Distress Prediction: A Comparative Study between Neural Networks and Logistic Regression  
530563 JAOUANE MOHAMED REDA, EL KARKRI JAAFAR: A TOPSIS based framework for ethical performance calculation of (SRI) portfolios  
535949 JEBRANE AISSAM, EL MOUSAOUI ABDELGHANI: Integrative Modeling Approach for Understanding Crowd Dynamics in Panic Situations  
534556 JOURHMANE HAMZA: Existence of solution for a variable growth anisotropic equation  
535381 KADIRI HAMZA, OUKHOUYA HASSAN, BELKHOUTOUT KHALID, EL HIMDI KHALID: Hybrid and Singular Approaches for Modeling Moroccan index: A Fusion of Statistical and Machine Learning Methods  
529406 KADYRI ABBES: Numerical Analysis of 2D Heat Transfer Equation Applied in Solar panel  
531804 KAMEL HAJAR, CHAMLAL HASNA, OUADERHMAN TAYEB: Advanced Ensemble Learning with Efficient SFLA-Enhanced GANs for Imbalanced Datasets  
537569 KAMIL HAMZA, SOULAIMANI AZZEDDINE, BELJADID ABDELAZIZ: Physics-informed neural networks for modeling water flow and solute transport in unsaturated soils  
534177 KARIM NOUREDDINE, BENCHIHEB OTMANE, AMOUCH MOHAMED: disjoint strong transitivity of composition operators  
537253 KASIM KARTINI, HAMID HASHIBAH, ABDUL-RAHMAN AYU: Enhancing Location Model with Outlier Mitigation: Introducing MOM Location Model Framework  
534572 KHABIR SALAH EDDINE, LAKHBAB HALIMA, SEMAMI SOUKAINA: Solving the Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem with an efficient Genetic Algorithm  
531008 KHAIDER HASSAN, AZANZAL ACHRAF, RAJI ABDERRAHMANE: Global well-posedness for the 3D fractional magneto-hydrodynamics equations in the Besov-Morrey spaces characerized by Semi-group  
530539 ZINEB KHALDOUN, CHAMLAL HASNA, OUADERHMAN TAYEB: Fuzzy Rough Set in Discriminant Analysis  
528897 KHALIL IBRAHIM, CHAKIB ABDELKRIM: Extremal eigenvalues of the Dirichlet bi-harmonic operator over a class of convex domains  
535193 KHALLOUKI KHALID: les courbes elliptiques et cryptographie  
538066 KHALOUFI ISSAM, RACHIK MOSTAFA, BENFATAH YOUSSEF, BOUTAYEB HAMZA, LAARABI HASSAN: Contrôle de la Variation pour une Classe de Systèmes Linéaires de Dimension Finie  
536863 KHALOUQI DOUNIA, FATMI IDRISSI NADIA: Mathematical modeling of cervical cancer stages  
522930 KHAN SALMA, IZID MALIKA, OUAZZANI CHAHDI AMINA: Study of the translation surfaces generated by principal normal indicatrices of two regular curves using remarkable lines in Euclidean 3-space  
517543 KHARFATI KHAOULA, ROUBI AHMED: On the Convergence of Block-Coordinate Methods for Solving Unconstrained Problems  
520485 KHASSAL SOFIANE, BALATIF OMAR: Stabilty analysis of a spatio-temporel epidemic model  
533832 KHAZOU MOHAMED, TAOUDI MOHAMED AZIZ: Cone measure of weak noncompactness and related fixed point theorems  
533727 KHOUY MOHAMMED, JABRANE YOUNES, AMEUR MUSTAPHA: An automated Residual U-shaped network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation using Grey wolf optimization  
535152 KHYAR OMAR: Mathematical modeling of dynamics and optimal control strategy for Giving up the Smoking Model  
532968 KLAI MOUAD, MONGA OLIVIER: Pore-scale simulation of microbial decomposition of organic matter in soil  
523622 KORDOGHLI KHOULOUD: An optimal control approach for estimating Purkinje/Myocardium gap junctions conductance parameters  
536737 KOUACH YASSINE, EL ATTAR ABDERRAHIM, EL HACHLOUFI MOSTAFA: An optimal actuarial model for school sports insurance in Morocco  
538034 KOUACH BOUCHRA, MEKHFIOUI MOHCIN, EL GOURI RACHID: Optimizing Datacenter Security: Accelerated Implementation of CNN on FPGA board  
531973 KOUBAITI OUADIE: Resolution of Navier-Lamé system with web-spline finite element method  
531534 KROUMBI HAFSSA, NASROALLAH ABDELAZIZ: Mixed space coupled Hidden Markov Model  
526049 KYOUD AYOUB, CHERIF EL MSIYAH, MADKOUR JAOUAD: Systemic Risk Transmission within the Moroccan Banking Sector  
517501 LABBANE YASSINE, AHARMIM BOUCHRA: About a preserving problem on Aluthge transform  
531802 LADIB MOHAMED, OUHINOU AZIZ: The effectiveness of contact tracing in controlling the COVID-19 epidemic: A modelling study  
535327 LAGZINI ABDELATI, EL MAROUFY HAMID, MERBOUHA ABDELKRIM: Bayesian Inference for the SIR Model with Skellam Distribution and MCMC  
535273 HICHAM LAHDILI, ABDELALI ZAKRANI, SAID NOUH: Agile project cost estimation using machine learning literature review  
542563 LAHLALI MOHAMED, SAISSI FATIMA-EZZAHRA, BOUIHAT1 KHALID: Optimality conditions for a class of multiobjectif bilevel optimization problems  
535244 LAHMIDANI BOUCHRA, TABIT YOUSSEF, BAIZ OTHMANE, DRISS ELMOUTAWAKIL: Global Analysis of a Stochastic Mathematical Model of HCV transmission among Injecting Drug Users and the Impact of Vaccination  
534595 LAHRACHE MANAR, ORTEGON GALLEGO FRANCISCO, RHOUDAF MOHAMED: Numerical simulation of an anisotropic bead type thermistor  
537125 LAHSEN-CHERIF AYOUB, EL QARNIA HAMID, EL AFIF ALI: Exploring the Impact of Brownian Motion on Nano-PCM Melting: A LBM Investigation with Buongiorno's Mathematical Model  
531436 LAILI LAHCEN, HAFDI MOHAMED ALI: Wald test in the Cox model with correlated covariates  
532675 LAKRIMI HAMZA, AMOUCH MOHAMED: Dynamics of elementary operators on Banach ideal of operators  
534713 LAMRANI ALAOUI ABDESSLEM: Global analysis of a stochastic non-autonomous SIR model with vaccination  
537181 LAMRHARY YASSINE, JEBRANE AISSAM, BOUKAMEL ADNANE, HAMDAOUI ABDELLAH: A Crowd Dynamics Model to Explore How Panic Affects Decision-Making in Emergency Situations  
534278 LATIFI NORDINE: On Set-Valued Aumann-Pettis Integrable Supermartingale with Unbounded Values  
535310 LEHLOU FOUAD, EL MAKRANI ADIL: Facial Expression Recognition Based on pretrained Architectures in artificial intelligence  
536019 LOUAKAR AYOUB, KAJOUNI AHMED, HILAL KHALID, LMOU HAMID: Analysis of nonlocal fractional Hilfer pantograph Langevin equation and inclusion  
533437 BALDE MOUHAMADOU ALIOU MOUNTAGA TALL, LY SIDY, TENDENG LENA: Optimal Covid-19 Control on Effectiveness of Detection Campaign and Treatment  
534249 MAAIFI ANAS: Taxonomy of attacks against cryptographic protocols  
538578 MAAINIA MOHAMED NAIYM, MOHAMED AMOUCH: Mise en place d'un modèle mathématique digital de détection des maladies de plantes  
531677 MAAQOUL SALAHEDDINE, BELHADJ HASSAN, AMATTOUCH RIDOUAN: Operator splitting method for Rosenau-Burgers equation  
533114 MAAROUF NISRINE, HILAL KHALID: On the conservation Laws of the Time-Fractional Regularized Long-Wave Equation  
533795 MABROUK M'HAMED, LAGHDIR MOHAMED, ED-DAHDAH AHMED: Sequential approximate weak optimality conditions for robust multiobjective fractional optimization problems  
535359 MAHBOUB SABAH, GUERBAZ RABY, EL QALLI YASSINE: Etude de l'impact des événements internationaux sur un ensemble d'actifs financiers  
534904 MAHDAOUI MARIAM, NOUH SAID, EL KASMI ALAOUI2 MY SEDDIQ: Exploring the Effects of SCW-ITSPy on the development of Python Skills  
535243 MAHZOUM SOUKAINA, BOUSSAIRI ABDERRAHIM: Slater index of doubly regular tournaments  
531074 MAKHLOUKI NADIA, NAFIDI AHMED, ACHCHAB BOUJEMâA: Computational analysis in non-homogeneous Vasicek diffusion process: application  
529669 MAKRAN NOREDDINE: A Common Fixed Point Theorems In C*-AlgebraValued Gb-Metric Spaces  
535181 MALGHI HAYAT, HILAL KHALID, QAFFOU ABDELAZIZ: Results of existence for hybrid problems differential equations using the fractional derivative of ψ −Caputo  
537414 MARRAKCHI NISRINE, BERGAM AMAL, FAKHOURI HANANE: A comparative assessment of ARIMA, LSTM and Fb-Prophet models to forecast daily ozone concentration in Tangier area  
534026 MAYOUCHE IBTIHAL, KHALFAOUI SAMIRA, AZMANI ABDELLAH: Artificial Intelligence Applications in Supply Chain Management (SCM) : A bibliometric Analysis  
534043 MEFTAH MOHAMED, OUNACER SOUMAYA, AZZOUAZI MOHAMED: Elevating Retail Efficiency: Predictive Analytics for Enhanced Product Preservation and Customer Insights  
534020 MEHDAOUI MOHAMED: On the extension of spatiotemporal epidemic models to the stochastic case with discontinuous noise  
534284 MENCHIH MANAL: Chaotic Dynamics of Conformable Maturity-Structured Cell Population Models  
534409 MESSAOUDI MAROUA, MAKHOUTE ABDELKADER, TLIDI MUSTAPHA: Nonlinear and nonlocal interactions in complex systems: allometry and criticality  
536304 MHAMDI ISMAIL, BARKA HAFID: How AI is fostering intergration of renewable energy ? What will be the impact on the reserve margin ? (Moroccan case study)  
536767 MIFTAH RAJAA, HANOUNE MOSTAFA: Video captioning and tagging approaches  
534602 MOHAOUI NEZHA, MONIR ABDELILAH, MRAOUI HAMID: Conditional Distribution and Density Estimation using B-Spline Approximation  
535195 MOHSINE HAKIMA: Linear preservers of (m,n)-isosymmetric operators  
533865 MOHTADI HIBAT EALLAH, HANINI MOHAMED, HAQIQ ABDELKRIM: Smart Task Offloading in Vehicular Fog Computing: A Hybrid Deep Learning and Semi- Markov Decision Process Strategy  
513492 MOKTAFI HOUDA, KHABAOUI HASSAN, EL FAHRI KAMAL: Some results on unbounded absolute weak convergence  
508322 MONAIM HAKIM: Harmonic Analysis On The Quaternionic Unit Ball  
534280 MONSIF LEKBIR: Existence results for nonlinear hybrid $[\Psi,\Phi]$ Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations with initial conditions  
538025 MORCHID ALAOUI MY DRISS: On a class of Degenerated nonlocal p(x)-Biharmnic problem with q(x)-Hardy potential  
536605 MORTAJI MANALE: Reinforcement learning application in portfolio optimization: A Comprehensive Literature Review  
536112 MORTAJI FARID, LAARABI HASSAN, ABTA ABDELHAD, RACHIK MOSTAFA: Dynamics of a Delayed Rumor Propagation Model with Consideration of Psychological Factors and Forgetting Mechanism  
525927 MOUADI HASSAN: The relationship between the F-topology on Spec(Pro_(i in I)R_i ) and beta(I)  
532824 MOUHAYEN KAOUTAR, ELMOUMEN SAMIRA, LAKHBAB HALIMA: A Modified Crow Search Algorithm for Structure Optimization Problems  
526287 MOUHOUB CHAIMAE, LAMNII MOHAMMED: Optimal solution of Laplace equation using genetic algorithms  
530749 MOUJANE NOUREDDINE, EL OUAARABI MOHAMED, MELLIANI SAID: On a nonlinear system involving the (p(x), q(x))-Kirchhoff-Laplace operator  
529279 MOUJANI HASNA, KASSIDI ABDERRAZAK, M'HAMED ELOMARI, EL MFADEL ALI: A Young measures method for existence results Involving the fractional q(z)-Laplacian operator  
534843 MOULAHARABBI SOMAYYA, BARRAA MOHAMED: Duality and orthogonality on right quaternionic Banach spaces  
534021 MOUMNI ALHABIB, SALHI JAWAD: Indirect boundary controllability of coupled degenerate and singular hyperbolic systems  
534692 MOHAMMED MOUMNI: Numerical analysis of some mathematical models arising from micromagnetism  
534761 MOUNIANE MOHAMMED, RACHIDI MUSTAPHA, EL WAHBI BOUAZZA: The linear trigonometric moment problem for recursive sequences  
537028 MAAROUF MOURAD: Study of long memory and asymmetric volatility in a GARCH model with time-varying transition probability: ARFIMA-TVTP-MSGARCH model  
529955 MOURADI ABDELLAH, HAKIMI SAID, BOUKRIM LAHCEN: Existence of fixed point in the conical shell  
540862 MOUSSAFIR OUMAIMA, EZZINBI KHALIL: Asynchronous exponential growth for some semi-linear evolution equations with nondense domain  
531370 MOUSTAID MOHAMED BILAL, DALI ISSAM: New approximate optimality conditions for approximate efficiency in multiobjective fractional programming problem  
526266 MOUTASSIM ABDELHADI: Four-Dimensional Real Third-Power Associative Division Algebras with Omnipresent Idempotent  
532755 NADI MONIR, BOUHLAL AZIZ, SADEK EL MOSTAFA: Titchmarsh's Theorem for the analytical Fourier-Mellin transform on the space L_2(G)  
532836 NAJIB HANAN, OUZAHRA MOHAMED, YAHYAOUI SOUFIANE: Stability of non-autonomous bilinear systems  
534206 FATIHA NAJM: Stability and Periodic Oscillations in a Virotherapy Model with Time Delay  
534254 NASSIRI FATIMA EZZAHRA, BOUIDI ABDERRAHIM: Numerical Methods for Viscoelastic Taylor-Couette Flow  
534236 NOURI HAJAR, OUKESSOU MOHAMED, BAKHADACH IDRIS: The isomorphism theorem for Pythagorean Fuzzy Modules  
533483 OUAFIK YOUSSEF: Numerical Analysis of a Thermoelastic Unilateral Contact Problem  
533544 OUAHOUDA FATIMAZAHRA, ACHTAICH NACEUR, ACHTAICH KHADIJA: La conception et l'évaluation d'outils d'apprentissage intéractifs pour l'algorithmique au primaire  
534228 OUASAID SANA, SADDOUNE MOHAMMED: Synergizing CG-algorithm through Learning mechanisms  
531587 OUBAHA AICHA, EL OUAARABI MOHAMED, RAJI ABDERRAHMANE: On a class of nonlinear singular elliptic problem with p(x)-Laplacian operator  
530988 OUBAOUZINE ABDELALI, OUADERHMAN TAYEB, CHAMLAL HASNA: Spectral clustering graph based for gene selection  
535262 OUBOUSKOUR KHADIJA, OMAR BALATIF: Analysis of paratyphoid transmission mathematical model with strategies of optimal control  
533415 OUCHOUTTA HAMZA, BOUNIT HAMID: On well-posedness and regularity of second order boundary systems  
532027 OUFKIR KHADIJA, ELOMARI M'HAMED, SADIKI HAMID: Intuitionistic fuzzy evolution problem with non-local condition  
535295 OUKHOUYA HASSAN, LMAKRI AZIZ, GUERBAZ RABY, EL HIMDI KHALID: New Predictive Modeling in Financial Markets using Nonlinear Time Series and Deep Learning Models  
525307 OULAHOU YOUNES, ELGUENNOUNI YOUSSEF, HSSIKOU MOHAMED, BALITI JAMAL, ALAOUI MOHAMMED: Lattice Boltzmann modeling of natural convection of nanofluid in enclosure with fins  
542581 OULDKHOUIA NOUREDDINE, EL BERRAI IMANE: Stochastic Approximation : Concepts, Applications, and Perspectives  
530417 OULTOU ABDERRAHMANE: Differential History-Dependent Variational-Hemivariational Inequality with Application to a Dynamic Contact Problem  
533784 OU-MHA MOHSSINE: A study of fuzzy prime near-rings involving fuzzy semigroup ideals  
545714 OUSSARHAN ABDESSAMAD: On Proper Separation Theorems by Means of the Quasi-Relative Interior: Applications in Nonsmooth Optimization  
532671 OUTAAOUI KHALID, AIT EL HARCH ILHAM, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF: Mathematical Modeling of Fisheries Sustainability: Insights from Guitarfish and Plaice Populations in Agadir  
536159 RAFIQ JAMAL EDDINE, ZAKRANI ABDELALI: Predicting Academic Performance: Exploring Emotional States and Active Engagement in Online Learning through LSTM Analysis  
533793 RAISS INSSAF, BOUZELMATE ARIJ, HJIAJ HASSANE: Existence of renormalized solutions for some strongly nonlinear and noncoercive elliptic problem in anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces  
531335 RAJI ABDERRAHMANE: Commutative properties for 3-prime near-rings involving multiplicative derivations  
527477 REGUI SLIMANE, AKHARIF ABDELHADI, MELLOUK AMAL: Inference statistic for periodic regression mode  
530914 RETBI ABDERRAHMAN: (VLD) property in Banach spaces  
518086 REZKI NISRINE: Incorporating Artificial Neural Networks for Advanced Supply Chain Risk Evaluation  
533579 RIAHI CHAIMAA, EL FOUTAYENI YOUSSEF: Impact of Wind Speed and Temperature on Fishermen's Profit Maximization  
534867 RIDA OUSSAMA, NAFIDI AHMED, ACHCHAB BOUJEMâA: Modeling the adoption of Artificial Intelligence by Gompertz diffusion process  
512947 ROUAH HAMZA, BELJADID ABDELAZIZ, JOUNDY YOUSSEF, TAIK AHMED: Transition to chaos in five-dimensional porous model for low Prandtl number  
532550 FAOUAZ SAADI: Absolutely convergent Fourier-Jacobi series and generalized Lipschitz classes  
530401 SABRI ABDELALI: Weak Solution for Nonlinear Fractional p()-Laplacian problem with Variable Order via Rothe's Time-Discretization Method  
534303 SADEK FATIMA-EZZAHRA, AMOUCH MOHAMED: Dynamics of weighted shift and pseudo-shift operators  
535962 SAHIB ISSAM, MOHAMED BELAM, KHAJJI BOUCHAIB, ABDERRAHIM LABZAI: Analyzing the Mathematical Stability of a Cholera Disease Model  
533946 SAIDI ABDELMAJID, EL GLILI ISSA, DRIOUICH MOHAMED, SAMMOUDA MOHAMED: Simulation of blood flow in a carotid bifurcation artery  
535296 SAKHI HASNAE, EL FILALI SANAA: Evaluating the Effects of Different Word Embedding Techniques on the Performance of Sentiment Analysis Models in Moroccan Dialect  
535372 SAKKOUM AYOUB: Mathematical model for reducing divorce cases according to social indicators for Morocco: optimal control approach  
535157 SALAH FATIMA-EZZAHRAE, MOUSSAID NOUREDDINE, ABASSI ASMAA: A Fractional-Order Variation Model for Color Image Blind Deconvolution : A Game Theory Approach  
531867 SAMMAH SALMA, AITDAOUD MOHAMMED, ACHTAICH KHADIJA, TRAGHA ABDERRAHIM: Modélisation Prédictive de la Réussite Scolaire à  l'aide des Outils de Datamining  
540837 SANNAKY IBTISSAM, EL BERRAI IMANE, RIOUALI MERYEM: Modeling and analysis of the transmission of Echinococcosis with application in Morocco  
530986 SAOUDI EL MEHDI, JAAFARI JAAFAR, JAI ANDALOUSSI SAID: Analyzing the Impact of Deep Q-Networks and Machine Learning Adversarial Attacks on Gait Recognition Accuracy  
535366 MOHAMED SASY, HJIAJ HASSANE: Existence and regurality of solutions for some non-coercive parabolic problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces  
534285 SBAI ABDELAAZIZ: Nonlinear parabolic equations with singular lower order term  
533089 SEGAOUI M'HAMED, AOURAGH MY DRISS, SOUFYANE ABDELAZIZ: Exponential stability and numerical results of a suspension bridge system  
525861 HADDOU SELLAK, MOUNIR EL MAGHRI: ϵ-Efficiency in multiobjective fractional problems  
533875 SEMAMI SOUKAINA, EL BYED ABDELTIF, TOULNI HAMZA: A new resolution approach for the CETSP problem  
533937 SEMLALI MOHAMMED: Modeling and Analysis of a Stochastic Epidemic Model involving immigration and vaccination  
535341 SEMMAR OUMAIMA, AZMANI ABDELLAH: Mapping the Evolution: A Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence's Impact on the Insurance Industry  
536435 SEMMOURI ABDELLATIF: Numerical evaluation of fractional differential equations solutions by Monte Carlo simulation  
547141 SERSIF RACHID, ECHARGHAOUI RACHID, KHOUAKHI MOUSSA, MASMODI MOHAMED: Multiple Positive Solutions for a Critical Fractional P-laplacian System with Concave Nonlinearities  
534023 SETTAR ABDELJALIL: QML estimation for near-integrated stochastic volatility model  
535256 SMOUK ALI, RADID ATIKA, RHOFIR KARIM: A numerical study of thermoelastic Bresse system with second sound  
509797 SMOUNI IMANE: Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Optimal Control of The N+7 Compartment Smoking Epidemic Model  
532595 SOUALHINE KHALID: On a critical fourth order Leray-Lions p(x)-Kirchhoff type problem with no-flux boundary condition  
536058 SOUKTANI IMANE: k-skew-spectrally monomorphic tournaments  
514053 TAKI ZAKARIA: An extension of the Alzer-Fonseca-Kovačec inequality via weak sub-majorization and its applications  
535250 TALBI HAJAR, RHOUDAF MOHAMED, OUYAHYA HAKIMA: An elliptic system related to the stationary thermistor problem in anisotropic Orlicz-Sobolev spaces  
532376 TALHA ABDESLAM: Renormalized solutions for strongly nonlinear elliptic problems with lower order terms And L^1-data in Musielak-Orlicz space  
533703 TALIBI IHYA, EL BOUKARI BRAHIM, EL GHORDAF JALILA: On weak solutions to the fractional p-Laplacian problem via Young measures  
533466 TANJAOUI MOHAMMED, KARMOUNI MOHAMMED: Polynômes orthogonaux  
535389 TARSI MARIAME, EZZAHOUI IBTISSAME, DOUZI SAMIRA, MARZAK ABDELAZIZ: Predicting stock price movement based on social media and stock datasets with Deep learning model  
534203 HAMZA TOUFGA, SAKKOUM AYOUB, LHOUS MUSTAPHA, LAHBIB BENAHAMADI: Analysis of dynamics and optimal control of cutaneous leishmaniasis during human migration  
536275 TUNÇ CEMIL, TUNÇ OSMAN: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of Hammerstein functional integral equations  
511624 OSMAN TUNÇ: New advances in the qualitative theory of integro-differential equations  
534784 WASFI FATIMA EZZAHRA, BENIICH NADIA, EL BOUHTOURI ABDELMOULA: Reference model tracking for Markovian Jump systems with partially unknown transition rates  
534238 JIHEN WESLATI: Orthogonal polynomials and computer Science  
533425 ZAHARI KHADIJA, HILALI YOUSSEF, MESMOUDI SAID, ELKHAOULANI RACHID, BOURIHANE OUSSAMA: The thermal buckling analysis of Functionally Graded Plates  
533539 ZAHLI RIZLANE, IDRISSI FATMI NADIA: Tuberculosis with Contamination by The Consumption of Unpasteurized Dairy Products: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulations  
535269 ZAHNAOUI IBTISSAM, ELBOUJAOUI HICHAM: Forecasting the volatility of time series using machine learning algorithms  
534511 ZAIMI ZAKARIA: Existence of infnitely many positive energy solutions for a multiple critical Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya problem with concave-convex nonlinearities  
537055 ZAINAL AZNAM NOOR HAFIZAH, NANA KHURIZAN NOOR SAIFURINA, MOHD YUSOFF NAZHATUL SAHIMA, AWANG NORHASHIDAH, MOFTAR MOHAMAD FADZLY: Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Prime Movers Allocation with Static Quay Cranes in Container Terminal  
532661 ZAOU AHMED, AMOUCH MOHAMED: The Narrow Recurrence of Random Dynamical Systems  
535348 ZAOUI CHAIMAE, BENABBOU FAOUZIA: Distributed and federated learning for IoT data analysis  
532735 ZERBIB SAMIRA, HILAL KHALID, KAJOUNI AHMED: Quadratically perturbed fractional differential equations with variable order derivative  
533907 ZEROUAL KHADIJA, ZAHLI RIZLANE, FATMI IDRISSI NADIA: Tuberculosis and HIV\AIDS Co-Dynamics: A Mathematical Model and Sensitivity Analysis  
534094 ZIAT MOHAMED: Almost Anti Periodic Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations  
530380 ZINEDDAINE GHIZLANE, SABIRY ABDELAZIZ, MELLIANI SAID, KASSIDI ABDERRAZAK: Existence results in weighted Sobolev space for quasilinear degenerate p(z)-elliptic problems  
534190 ZOUHRI SAMIRA, EL BAROUDI MOHCINE: Chemotherapy of cancer: optimal control problem with free-end time  
535104 ZOUITA HANANE: Compact Almost Automorphic Processes and Applications  

The International Conference on Research in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science ICRAMCS @ 2024